[GNUPLOT] Hide axis range

Posted on March 8, 2012, 5:54 PM

In gnuplot, a handy way to turn off the axis is to use:

unset ytics
This will remove all the tics and associated labels on the y axis. Sometimes we like to have the tics there, but hide just the numbers (i.e. when using arbitrary unit). A more complicated way is to use the set ytics ("〈label〉" 〈position〉,) command. This is used for assigning specific labels at given positions.
set ytics ("" -40, "" -30, "" -20, "" -10, "" 0, "ten" 10, "twenty" 20, "thrity" 30, "" 40, "" 50, "" 60)

So utilizing this command, we could hide all the labels by removing the text inside the double quotes. Or, a much simpler way is to use set format:
set format y ""
Leave the double quotes empty will remove all the labels but keep the tics there.